Omnitune Music FestivalJanuary 2024
"We're five people, five individuals who came together to create something, to make music and to complete each other musically, to form a perfect circle."
By Maynard James Keenan

Independently circles, unitedly perfection.

As the interplay between music and technology deepens, people's longing for authenticity, warmth, and humanity grows stronger. This music festival design project seeks to explore the exquisite balance between nature and technology, independence and unity. Inspired by Maynard James Keenan's words, we draw upon the natural element of pebbles, specifically their circular shape, symbolizing individuality, diversity, and relaxation. Simultaneously, we design a dynamic visual experience that merges each circle representing individuality into a "larger circle," symbolizing unity and cohesion.

Awards: G-Cross Award 2024- Gold Award
©tiandesignGraphic design